Monday, April 24, 2006


A country without a Human Development Rank, Somalia stands out as a blatant failure of the international community in alleviating the plight of people who have yet to see a day when their physiological needs are adequately met. The region, though, could have been rid of this constant mortal threat, had nations like US parted with as little as 1% of their defence budget accumulating $5.2 billion of life-saving aid.

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IIPM Editorial, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

LG comes under MRTP scanner

Korean consumer durables gi­ant LG Electronics India Lim­ited’s festival offer ‘Mangal Hi Mangal’ has come under the scrutiny of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Prac­tices Commission (MRTPC). The commission has re­strained the Korean chaebol from releasing the gift scheme in any media vehicle, claim­ing that the scheme is false and inter alia it misleads the consumers. It was alleged by the director general of investi­gation and registration in the Ministry of Company Affairs that the advertisement was prima facie deceptive which amounts to an unfair trade practice under the MRTP Act, 1969. Life’s not that good this time for LG.

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Source: IIPM Editorial, 2006